Tax Fairness
Rep. Blackburn Is Wrong on What Benefits Our Small Businesses
In response to Representative Marsha Blackburn’s latest campaign ad, Lenda Sherrell, state director of the Tennessee Small Business Alliance, released the following statement: “The tax law passed by Representative Marsha Blackburn is a giveaway for the rich, not small businesses. Rep. Blackburn’s vote for the law will cost our country more than $1.5 trillion over…
Read MoreTennessee Small Business Alliance on GOP Tax Reform Passage and Senator Corker’s NO VOTE
In response to Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) voting against the GOP Senate Tax Reform plan on the Senate floor in the middle of the night, Tennessee Small Business Alliance Director, Lenda Sherrell, released the following statement: “We applaud Senator Corker for listening to our members who sent petitions, letters, and calls encouraging him to stand by his principles…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 24, 2017 Contact: Lenda Sherrell 865-388-9056 Petition calls on Corker to stand his ground on the deficit NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Small Business Alliance is launching an online petition of small business owners on Small Business Saturday to call on Sen. Bob Corker to oppose the Trump tax plan. “We’re calling…
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