Big companies get millions as Tennessee small businesses are left out by loan program
Chris Cobb is the owner of Exit/In, the historic Elliston Place music venue that has hosted Johnny Cash, Neil Young, Billy Joel and others. He has already laid off more than two dozen hourly employees, and he is desperately trying to keep five more, but help has been hard to come by. “Yeah it’s frustrating,”…
Read MoreSmall Business Owner says Closing Again Would Be “Devastating”
Chris Cobb, owner of Exit/In, told Cassandra Stephenson of the Nashville Tennessean, that he decided to close the Nashville music venue on March 15 out of concern for the safety of both performers and fans. Nearly 30 Exit/In employees have been laid off, and the venue now is streaming performances online, selling posters and merchandise…
Read MoreSmall Business Owners Agree with Doctors: Shelter in Place
On Sunday, March 22, four physicians, Aaron Milstone, Daivd Aronoff, Tufik Assad, and Devin Sherman held a phone press conference responding to Governor Lee’s Executive Order 17. Over 1,500 TN physicians are calling for a shelter in place order immediately to save lives. The front-line medical professionals who issued the letter delivered important messages about…
Read MoreSpeaker Casada, Listen to Small Business Owners Instead of Rebuking Them
Anti-LGBTQ Bills Would Be Bad for Business and Our Communities NASHVILLE, Tenn. – In response to Tennessee House Speaker Glen Casada’s recent comments that “[Businesses] should take care of their stockholders and not get so involved in politics,” Lenda Sherrell, state director of the Tennessee Small Business Alliance issued the following statement: “Speaker Casada, with…
Read MoreKnoxville Small Biz Owner: Rep. Zachary Must Vote Against Vouchers
If Vouchers Aren’t Good for Knox County, Why Are They Good for Tennessee? In response to Rep. Jason Zachary’s (House District14, Knoxville) last-minute vote to support Governor Bill Lee’s private school voucher legislation (House Bill 0939 / Senate Bill 0795), Julia Whipple, owner of a ValuTeachers Franchise in Knoxville, released the following statement on behalf…
Read MoreVoter Registration Bill Institutes Burdensome Regulations that Weaken Communities
The State Senate Must Reject this Reckless Bill That Discourages Voter Participation NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Phil Cobucci, Founder and Chief Strategist at BAM! Social Business and TNSBA Board Member, released the following statement in response to the Tennessee House of Representative’s vote to advance House Bill 1079, a bill that would make it harder for eligible…
Read MoreGov. Lee’s Background as a Businessman Doesn’t Guarantee a Budget that Benefits all Tennesseans
MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Peter Calvet, owner of Fantasy Flora, issued the following response to Governor Bill Lee’s State of the State address: “In his State of the State address, Gov. Bill Lee cited his past as a businessman to establish credibility for his budget as a public servant. As a small business owner, a budget…
Read MoreTNSBA member Peter Calvet, owner of Fantasy Flora in Memphis, speaks out on fuel efficiency standards
Celebrate, save our nonpartisan planet These fuel efficiency standards have been working, saving us money, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and cutting pollution that harms the health of our communities. –Peter Calvet
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